There are three important points: the weird stuffed toy on the chair, the block puzzle in the corner, and the hole in the wall covered with cardboard and duct tape. When the Sherry segment begins, note your surroundings. To escape the bedroom as Sherry in under 60 seconds (and thereby earning the Young Escapee trophy), the first thing you have to do is save the game before going in. Resident Evil 2 Remake Sherry Segment – How to Escape Bedroom Fast How to Escape Bedroom under 60 Seconds as Sherry in RE2 Remake? With that in mind, here’s our Resident Evil 2 Remake Sherry Segment – How to Escape Bedroom Fast guide to hopefully help you exit the bedroom under 60 seconds and earn the Young Escapee trophy. Also, solving the puzzle and exiting the bedroom under 60 seconds awards you the Young Escapee achievement. The puzzle isn’t too difficult, but the catch is that the layout is random, even if the solution is always the same. Make no mistake though, if you loved the original Resident Evil 2, you’ll likely love the remake, and new players who can tolerate a few old-school quirks ought to have a gruesome good time as well.The Sherry segment in the Resident Evil 2 remake begins with you solving a puzzle to escape the bedroom.

Hints of a braver revamp are sprinkled throughout, but it doesn’t take the risks necessary to join the canon of truly great video game remakes. Resident Evil 2 is a polished, respectful remake of a survival horror classic that probably would have benefitted from a slightly more daring approach. If you haven't played it yet, here's what Nathan had to say in his review: Especially so if you can actually play as the naked Ada. I think it's time for you all to jump on and have fun with Resident Evil 2. You can play as naked Ada at any point, by using the Swap model feature of FluffyQuack trainer in the mod manager.Soon I will make a version 2.0 of the mod that replaces the injured version as well.

This is due to the game using a different model after that point.